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Waiting for cows to get out of trailer

Feeding Tractor Nap

About us.


Susie's family has been ranching in Chaffee County for five generations. Calvin, their five year old son already has his own heifer and will hopefully be the sixth. Tyson's family ranched in Texas for many generations. The two met out of coincidence- a mutual friend who was helping with cows turned into a date and the rest is over a decade of history. 


Susie cares for their two young children and helps with the day to day ranch work that can be done with kids in tow. 


Tyson also works a full time job, like most building farmers and ranchers, for Colorado State Department of Transportation. Snowplowing for 12 hours gives you lots of time to think about making your cattle herd more efficient. 


Calvin is their beloved five year old. The kid you see in the store with knee high cowboy boots and a well worn cowboy hat- that's him. We couldn't be more proud to be his parents. 


Lilly is our one year old opinionated daughter. She already has a love of horses and is a good tractor companion.


Ivo is our ranch/family dog. He is a six year old, food loving, blue merle Australian Shephard. He is a quiet, kind, companion who happens to be Calvin's best friend. You rarely see one with out the other. 



Calvin & Ivo trompig through snow infront of cows

Ivo & Calvin

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